Makarasana - The Crocodile Pose

Makarasana is also known as The Crocodile Pose. This asana is known to relax your mind. It also alerts your mind. Crocodile is known to be always conscious even while sleeping. Crocodile smells prey or danger even in its sleep. Similarly this asana helps you achieve such qualities.

This asana help you deal with physical as well as mental stress. It also calms the irritated mind. It’s a popular asana for relaxation, but it’s benefits are not limited to relaxation.

Steps to perform Makarasana:
  1. Make a pillow of your hands and lie down on your stomach.
  2. Stretch your legs making your toes point inwards touching each other. Your heels should be apart. 
  3. Let go off of all the weight on the ground and stay motionless. 
  4. Close your eyes and breathe normally.  
  5. Stay in this posture for around 2-3 minutes. 
  6. Turn to one side and then get up.

Who should not practice this asana?
  • Pregnant women
  • People with heart condition
  • People in depression

Benefits of Makarasana:
  • Relaxes and rejuvenates your mind and body throughout. 
  • Shoulders and spine are relaxed completely.
  • Slow, deep and efficient breathing.
  • Less stress and tension 
  • Complete relaxation of nervous system
  • Less fatigue and body ache
  • Improves concentration hence better prepares your mind for meditation
  • Cure anxiety by calming your mind. 

To know more about such asanas, visit .
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