How many Calories are we burning while practising Yoga?

Whenever we are doing any form of workout: be it walking, cycling, zumba or Yoga, we keep wondering how many calories we have really burnt. But that question is dependent on a lot of factors like your weight, your trainer, your intensity, etc. But in Yoga we generalise it as 100-450 calories burnt per hour of Yoga practiced depending upon various variables like style, posture and practitioner.

Hatha Yoga is the traditional form of Yoga which people practise. In this the average calories burnt per hour is 190-200. This form of Yoga is very slow that is why a lot of people prefer other forms of Yoga. Hatha yoga focuses on balancing being in sync with breath. Yoga focuses on balancing, strengthening, flexibility and endurance. All forms of Yoga have Hatha Yoga as their base.

Confused about what the fuss is regarding calories?

Calorie is the measurement of the amount of energy stored in your body and energy expenditure. Energy burns throughout the day automatically whenever you are doing any activity. The calories burnt while everyday routine is very less when we compare it to any form of exercise we are performing. Yoga, jogging or other forms of workout burns calories way much more.  

Loss of weight is dependent on a lot of factors like hormones, metabolism, calorie intake and exercise. Different people have different metabolism. But for any individual the goal should be to minimise calorie intake, meaning consumption of fewer calories than what is being burnt. One should be able to burn equal or more calories than his/her intake. 

In Yoga we do not recommend counting calories in everything you eat. We recommend nutritious diet for your body rather than junk food. We recommend to balance your food and calorie intake. 

Some tips for effective weight loss and calorie intake:


  1. Follow Mitaahara: Our 1/2 stomach should be filled with solid foods, 1/4th with liquids and 1/4th should be empty so that gases can move around freely. 

  2. Sattvik diet: We should increase intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables as they contain less calories and fat. 

  3. Listen to your body: One shouldn’t eat according to every new trend in the market. One should eat when your body asks for food. Don’t eat every 2 hours just because somebody said so. 

  4. Plan your meals: We recommend that you plan your meals one week in advance. This helps you buy all the ingredients well-in-advance. This way you can cook quickly without being confused. You can save a lot of calories because of unnecessary munching.

  5. Smaller Portions: Start your meals by taking less quantity. Take more if you’re hungry further. Eat slowly. Give time to your mind to decide if it’s full. Eventually you will get used to smaller portions filling up your stomach. 

  6. Regular Yoga Practice: Eating right doesn’t solve all your problems. Regular practicing Yoga or whatever form of exercise you prefer will help in losing weight. 

We, at The Yoga Institute Goa, provide 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. 


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