How to improve academic performance?

In today’s time, all our kids are getting their assignments and home works either through Whatsapp or Facebook groups.They deal with a lot of social media today, even if it is for academic purposes. And because they have to access their assignments on social media, they start surfing other things and end up spending more time there but doing work. All this definitely impacts their academic performance.

Why are our kids getting low grades?

  • Sharing of work on social media

  • Parental pressure to bring better marks

  • Not enough time to play and relax

  • Mis-managed schedule 

  • Being compared with other friends/cousins

  • Lack of interest in traditional topics

Consequences of low grade:

If our kids score low grades, they go through a lot of complications: short term or long term.

  • Lack of confidence 

  • Low self-esteem

  • Mental stress due to constant comparison with peers

  • Feeling of jealousy

  • Stressed and frustrated mind 

  • Feeling of not being accepted in friends

  • Suicidal tendencies

How to improve academic performance?

  1. Work backwards from set goals

If you study on the last day (i.e., just the day before your exam), your mind may not be able to take it all in. Rather decide and set your goals: weekly as well as monthly. This will give you a direction to study and prepare you for your exam better.

  1. Move and stretch your body in every 10 minutes

We, as humans, have a very short attention span. So we should move around every 10 minutes. This helps in increasing the flow of blood. Just walk and go to any window/table and stretch your legs there.  

  1. Don’t skip on the short breaks that refresh your brain

Take little breaks that help to refresh your brain. Monotony kills it all. 

  1. Spend time around those who motivate you 

Our company often does affect our attitude. If we have friends who do their work in time, we also tend to do our work quickly then. If we have friends with a very casual attitude, who always leave things for the last minute, we may get affected by them. SO ONE should choose his/her friends wisely.

  1. Use sensory organs 

Through regular cramming, one doesn’t learn anything. Rather should activity based learning or audio-visuals for better understanding and longer remembrance. 

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