How To Control Hair Loss?

Beautiful hair not only makes you good looking but also reflects your good health. They play a significant role in highlighting your personality and appearance. It is one of the most noticeable parts of the body. And when you start losing your good health then it is a serious matter of concern. It can result in losing your confidence too because beautiful hair boosts up your confidence. There are several factors that can be responsible for hair fall for example illness, stress, change in lifestyle and food, hormonal imbalance, etc. But there is no need to worry because you can reduce your hair fall with some yoga techniques and a healthy diet.

A Healthy Diet Can Boost Up Your Hair Growth:

In the case of hair loss, one should take a properly balanced diet that contains a lot of proteins. Here is a list of healthy food items that will encourage healthy hair growth:

  • Bottle gourd

  • Banana

  • Jaggery

  • Watermelon

It will not only promote your hair growth but also solve other hair problems and provide nourishment to your hair. Include the above-listed eatables in your diet and see the results.

Some Words Of Advice

  • Massage your scalp more often to improve blood circulation.

  • Detangle your hair with your fingers when they are wet instead of using a comb.

  • Do not provide too much heat to wet hair.

  • Focus on a good sleep routine. Sleep for a minimum of 6-7 hours every night.

  • Wash your hair with neem water at least once a week.

Practice Yoga Daily For Better Results

There are some yoga techniques that will improve the blood circulation to the head, maintains scalp hygiene, and solve many hair problems. The yoga techniques that will work effectively are listed below:

  • Padahastasana

  • Viparit Karni

  • Trikonasana

  • Bhastrika

  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayam

Hair Mask/Packs For Hair Growth:

There are many options in the market that can enhance hair growth. Hair masks are also one of the effective options that can improve the quality of hair and encourage hair growth. Some effective hair masks and their preparations are mentioned below:

  • Green Tea

This hair mask is really good and effective for hair roots and follicles and hence increases hair growth.


2 bags of green tea and 1 cup of water.


  1. Boil 2 bags of green tea in 1 cup of water and leave it until it cools down.

  2. Apply the mixture to your hair and rinse thoroughly after an hour.

  3. Use it for 15 days for better results.

  • Amla Hair Pack

Amla is rich in Vitamin C that nourishes the hair follicles and is very effective in reducing hair loss and premature greying.


2 tbsp amla powder and 2 tbsp lime juice.


  1. Mix amla powder and lime juice and apply to your scalp in the form of a paste.

  2. Do not let the paste dry. Cover your head with a shower cap.

  3. Wash it off.

  • Onion Juice Wash

Onion has vitamin E, C, and B complex. This promotes thicker, healthy, and shiny hair growth.


½ Onion.


  1. Grind the onion and squeeze out its juice.

  2. Take a piece of cotton and soak it in the onion juice and apply to your scalp.

  3. Massage your scalp and leave it for 30-60 minutes.

  4. Rinse thoroughly.

If you are facing hair problems, instead of lingering on and stressing more over it, start your healthy routine now. Start your yoga practice today and observe the difference.

We, at The Yoga Institute Goa, provides a 200-hour yoga teacher training course


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