How to do Astavakrasana pose?

Before Handstand, Astavakrasana pose use to be the pose that Yoga schools printed on fliers. This pose looks great in picture so it was the selling pose for most people.

  1. Placement of hands
Most people place their hands too close to hips while setting up for the pose. Here I’m talking about the proximity of the hands to the hips and not the width of the hands. 
One should set their hands a foot forward from hips. This allows us to lean forward into your hands. This makes lifting hips and bending elbows easier.

  1. The Outside Elbow 
One should hug his/her outside elbow towards the ribs. Generally the outside elbow drifts outwards which in turn makes your shoulder too low in turn putting excess stress on the socket. 
To provide more stability, hug outside elbow in. It’s okay to set your hands a little wider. 

  1. The Often Overlooked Twist 
While doing arm balancing poses, we forget to focus on back and to twist it. Spinal rotation is elementary to such posture. 
One should remember to squeeze legs, press hands and twist.

To learn more about Yoga and it’s Asanas, visit


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