Yoga and Strength

Do you want to strengthen your core and tone your thigh muscles without having to take supplements or chemicals. Yoga asanas can help you achieve that body. 

First let’s take care of the myth: Having abs and toned muscles means one is strong and flexible. No, to be strong one should start by strengthening core and then move to other parts of the body. 

Now let’s address “Thigh Gap”. Now everybody seems to think achieving Thigh Gap is the ultimate proof of flexibility. But No! Thigh gap is of no significance if you have achieved it without focusing on strengthening your muscles. 

In the digital age, everyday new trends come and go and again come. It’s important to understand our body needs the right care. These trends may not help the body in the right way. 

Yoga asanas, if practiced for hours, can do wonders for your body. On an average every asana can be practiced for 5 minutes a day. Here is the list of asanas for strong core:
  1. Naukasana or the Boat Pose
  2. Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Stand
  3. Dhanurvakrasana or the Bow Pose
  4. Yogendra Chakrasana or the Wheel Pose
  5. Standing Hastapadangushthasana or the Hand-toe Pose
  6. Chaturanga Dandasana or Plank

Planks can be started with 10 seconds and can go up till 2 minutes. 
Try repeating each asana 5 times. Initially start with once and then gradually increase the number of reps. 

Want toned thighs? Try these asanas:
  1. Shalabhasana or the Locust Pose
  2. Yogendra Trikonasana or the Triangle Pose
  3. Ushtrasana or the Camel Pose
  4. Garudasana or the Eagle Pose
All these should be done for 30 second at once. Their 3-4 repetitions would be helpful. Initially start with doing it once and for 5-10 seconds or whatever you can start with and then gradually increase. 

All the asanas should be done being in sync with your body. Take proper care of your body. If your body gives signs of it getting too much, give it a break and relax your muscles. 

The Yoga Institute Goa provides 200 hour yoga teacher training.


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