Difference between Depression and Sadness

These days we all are sad for some or the other reason and we say we are depressed because of it. We use the term interchangeably. We will discuss what’s the difference between them and what are the symptoms of depression. 


We experience sadness when we are going through difficult times or we are hurt. We also experience sadness when we are facing a challenge or are disappointed. Sadness is an emotion we feel in tough times. We all experience sadness, however we very easily overcome it once we get past the situation. 


According to American Psychiatric Association, depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It can occur to people of any age or gender. Depression causes sadness and other negative behaviour. The definition relates depression and sadness but they are different. Let’s study the different symptoms between them. 

Symptoms of Depression

  • Low energy and tiredness
  • Difficulty in decision making
  • Difficulty in sleeping 
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Lack of interest in daily activities
  • Thoughts related to death/suicide

There are solutions to all problems. Depression also has solutions. One should divert his/her mind from the thoughts which are causing the negativity and try to get involved in activities which makes him/her happy. 

As Dr. Hansaji Yogendra says, “when your mind is not in a position to listen then let your body take charge and handle the situation.” By this she means, we should get involved in the activities which make us happy, which help release serotonin (happy hormone).

How to control the mind?

Here’s the list of techniques to help you get control back over your mind:
  • Bhujangasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Setu-bhandasana
  • Walking and observing nature
  • Playing an instrument
These techniques should help you get control of your mind. We should be incharge of our mind, not others. We should be happy no matter what. Don’t let situations dictate your happiness. 


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