Ways to get rid of belly fat and obesity
These days everybody is suffering from belly fat. Also everybody is obese, they want to do overall weight loss. Why are we getting obese? Eating all the junk is leading to weight gain.
What can we do to achieve flat tummy? We will tell you simple practices which you can adopt to avoid belly fat.
Why is belly fat such a common problem?
The area in the body where fat accumulates the most easily is STOMACH. When we eat anything it first reaches the stomach and whatever extra food is there remains in the stomach which is the reason for belly fat.
Belly fat is the fat surrounding liver and other abdominal regions. This fat causes a number of health issues. This fat gets saturated overtime.
Regulating our weight is must. We don’t tend to keep a check on our weight. But we tend to stop eating in order to control our weight. That’s not a healthy way to go about it.
To control our weight we need focus on metabolic activity of our body. A lot of exercises are there which if done regularly can help increase our metabolism and hence control weight.
Exercising gives more effective results in young generation rather than in old. In a little aged people it takes time to change the body way.
Exercising regularly helps you feel less lethargic. It also helps in improved blood circulation, glowing skin and a healthy body.
Asanas that can help take care of belly fat:
- Sarpasana
- Classical and all variations of Parvatasana
- Standing Hastpadanghthasana
- Konasana 3
Asanas that can help in weight loss:
- Warrior Poses 1, 2 and 3
- Samkonasana, Dvikonasana and Trikonasana
- Uttanasana
- Series of Hastpadangushthasana (Standing and Supine)
- Uttanpadasana (30-, 60- and 90-degrees leg lifting)
- Pavanmuktasana
Every pose should be practiced for 3-4 times in 1 session. If you try to do it more than that, it might cause some kind of harm to the body.
Doing all these poses might help you achieve a body and tummy you desire.
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