Digital Detoxification

In today’s age when we are surrounded with such hi-tech equipment, it is a challenge to avoid it. We have to face technology everywhere and over usage of digital items is causing a lot of problems. These problems can be emotional, physical or mental.  

We will discuss how to avoid the digital platforms for some time. 

What is Digital Detoxification?
When a person restricts usage of digital items and gadget to develop real-life relationships then it is known as digital detoxification. 

How do you know you need Digital Detoxification?
If you find the following symptoms similar to what your habit is, you need digital detoxification. 
  • Check phone every few minutes
  • Get restless when you can’t find phone
  • Get uncomfortable when network connection is not stable
  • Unable to concentrate if your phone is not in front of you
  • Get likes, comments and shares frequently
  • Fear of missing important update in phone 
If you can relate to 3 or more of the above points 

Why are we getting addicted?
The addiction can be linked to neuro-transmittors. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter. It controls how our brain reacts to rewards and pleasures. 
Neurotransmitters make it difficult for us to stop the usage. Apps like SnapChat and TikTok  use such information to hold onto their users.

How can we take care of it?
You should try other activities which release pleasure-seeking neurotransmitters.
  • Go outside and take a walk
  • Take a break from screen time 
  • Reward yourself every time you take a break from technology and interact with someone in person. 


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