Eating Right

We all restrict Yoga to Asanas and Pranayamas. Yoga is a holistic approach to developing one’s mind and soul; Yoga leads one to good health. One thing that also defines the overall well being is food; what we eat does everything to our body. 

In this time when everybody is in a rush, packaged and junk food has made life easy. But the joy of slow cooking, preparing the ingredients to cook it has all gone. Everybody wants ready-to-cook meals these days; people opt for easy take-aways. These meals are absolutely unhealthy in nature. 

Yoga doesn’t agree with this practice of food consumption. Yoga believes in:

  1. Positive preparations

The effects of food start with how you are preparing it. Even while preparing and cooking the food, you should be in a positive state of mind. The way you feel gets into the food so be happy when cooking. Chanting or humming mantras is a good way to stay positive and feel happy. 

  1. What should my meal include?

Your meal should include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, ghee and other dairy products. Such a meal is called Sattvik meal. It increases immunity, body strength and health. 

  1. Mitahara

One should moderate the intake of food. Half of the stomach should be filled with food, 1/4th with liquids and 1/4th should be empty for gases to flow easily. 

  1. Chew slowly

We usually eat very fast and eat very big bites. That’s not how you are supposed to eat. You should chew your food very well before swallowing it; chew it atleast 20-30 times before taking it in. This helps in the absorption of all the nutrients. 

  1. Focus on eating

When eating food give complete attention to your food; do not watch television or watch video on phone. Try and eat at the same time everyday. Eat in a quiet and peaceful environment. 

  1. Listen to your body

Don’t overfill your stomach; do not eat just because it’s time to eat. Eat only when you are hungry. Eat slowly for your mind to give a signal to stop eating when it's full. 

  1. Complete attention

When eating, do not multitask. GIve proper attention to your food. Be aware of what you are eating. 

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We provide Yoga Teacher Training in Goa.


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