Importance of Morning Routine

When we get up in the morning we get up fresh and positive. It’s the most important time of the day where you feel the most energised; our morning defines the whole day. We keep believing that we have to get up from a particular side of bed otherwise our day might not be as nice/fruitful. But we, at The Yoga Institute Goa, say that if you have a proper morning routine, it will not matter from which side you got up; your day will be full of positivity any which ways. Having a morning routine can do wonders for us. 

Need for routine

If you look into the life of any famous/successful person, one thing we will find common is that they have a fixed routine. They have a particular schedule they follow. 

When we try to get up in the morning, it's difficult for us to get out of bed. But when we have something we look forward to, we automatically gain the strength to wake up quickly. 

We need something we really like to get along with the day. We need a booster, we need positivity to start our day. 

The most basic way to do this is to get up and follow a plan. We are recommending some stretches which release endorphins, better known as Happy Hormones. These are very easy to do and make us feel positive and optimistic. 

Benefits of a Morning Routine 

The following are the benefits of following a morning routine.

  • Stretching in the morning can help your muscles and joints feel more flexible. They make it easy for you to do your activities throughout the day. 

  • Stretching increases the flow of blood in the body.

  • Relieves us of tension and stress 

  • Makes us feel positive. 

  • Makes our brain more active and alert and hence we feel confident. 

The asanas/stretches for your morning routine:

  • Sahaj Bhavasana or Stretches

  • Balasana or Child Pose

  • Yoga Mudra

  • Thoracic Breathing 

  • Yashtikasana or Stick Pose

  • Pavanmuktasana or Free-airway Pose

If you are short on time, doing 4-5 rounds of Yashtikasana also works. Try and incorporate drinking of warm water immediately after getting off from bed. 

Also, one thing to do as soon as you open your eyes is smile, it gives a headstart of positivity to your day. 

About Us:

We provide Yoga Teacher Training in Goa.


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