How To Deal With The Situation Of Panic Attacks
A panic attack is a situation when people get repeated attacks of fear short-lasting or long-running. Sometimes panic attacks might seem like a serious condition like a heart attack or anything else. In case if you experience a similar situation for a long time, consult a physician for treatment. A panic attack is followed by symptoms like sweating, chest pain, nausea, fear of dying or losing your mind, feeling numb, feeling hot or cold, dizziness, a choking sensation, etc. It is not mandatory to get panic attacks only in a stressful situation, it can occur anytime. Panic attacks can be heredity in nature i.e. it can be pass-on to you from the family. Women and young adulthood are more likely to have panic attacks. Panic attacks depict losing your mind even when there is no real danger. Panic attacks are quite common in people between 15-25 years of age. If the attacks keep coming back or you have a never-ending fear of more attacks then we consider it a panic disorder. Bei...