Vairagya - Unattach Yourself from the World

Vairagya, in a nutshell, is distancing ourselves from all the material things in life. It is to give up everything and live a peaceful life. In Vairagya one doesn’t expect anything from the world. In this state we don’t cause stress to others. We live happily with what we have.  

We are attached with these 5 things in our lives:

  1. Relations

  2. Drinks

  3. Food 

  4. Power

  5. Materialistic desires

When we are fulfilled with these 5 attachments we are happy but if any of these is missing we are not in a happy state. Missing any can cause misery. So attachments don't let us concentrate on important things in life. 

We have to let go off of all the material things in Vairagya. We should show our disinterest in anything that might attract us usually. We should be able to control our mind and our desires and master it. We have to put in conscious effort for achieving this state. After coming to this state we can focus more on the important things in life. We also gain more knowledge. 

We should look at all the things objectively; we should surrender all our desires. We shouldn’t get involved in what is happening around. We should be disinterested in whatever that doesn’t involve us. We should surrender to God and to nature.

One of the greatest examples of Vairagya was Narsi Mehta. He practiced and preached Vairagya. He never took interest in household affairs or never earned any money. He was indulged in singing and dancing on the bhajans of Krishna.  

Vairagya consists of the following four stages: 

  1. Yatmana: Whatever makes us happy we try and unattach ourselves from that. We limit our attachment to the external world. 

  2. Vyatireka: In this stage one can partially be able to eliminate the desires. In this stage one can recognise and understand what has he/she been able to control and what hasn't. 

  3. Ekendriya: Only attachment from one sensory organ remains in this stage; rest all the desires are eliminated. One gains mastery on all senses. Only involvement is through pride, prejudice and recognition. 

  4. Vashikar: This is the final stage in which one unattached oneself completely from the entire world. 

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