
Showing posts from February, 2020

Yoga Asanas for Neck Pain

In today’s busy lifestyle with corporate jobs and stress, our body takes a toll on everything. We can’t take care of our body the way we should. The first body part that takes toll the easiest way is the neck. We have to continuously work on a laptop sitting on a chair. This created an enormous amount of pressure on our neck. Sitting on a laptop for long durations leads to neck pain. This situation of the neck is called Cervicalgia in medical terms. To take care of the back pain, one should: Focus on their sitting posture Take less stress Incorporate Yoga in their lifestyle. To strengthen your neck, try these Yoga asanas. These are very effective. Balasana: Balasana is also known as CHild Pose. To do this pose, sit in Vajrasana and place your forehead on the floor. Then bring your arms above your head and stay in this position for a few breaths. Marjariasana: This asana helps strengthen and relieve pain in the back and neck. To do this get on your ...

Difference between Depression and Sadness

These days we all are sad for some or the other reason and we say we are depressed because of it. We use the term interchangeably. We will discuss what’s the difference between them and what are the symptoms of depression.  Sadness We experience sadness when we are going through difficult times or we are hurt. We also experience sadness when we are facing a challenge or are disappointed. Sadness is an emotion we feel in tough times. We all experience sadness, however we very easily overcome it once we get past the situation.  Depression According to American Psychiatric Association, depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It can occur to people of any age or gender. Depression causes sadness and other negative behaviour. The definition relates depression and sadness but they are different. Let’s study the different symptoms between them.  Symptoms o...

Ways to get rid of belly fat and obesity

These days everybody is suffering  from belly fat. Also everybody is obese, they want to do overall weight loss. Why are we getting obese? Eating all the junk is leading to weight gain.  What can we do to achieve flat tummy? We will tell you simple practices which you can adopt to avoid belly fat.  Why is belly fat such a common problem? The area in the body where fat accumulates the most easily is STOMACH. When we eat anything it first reaches the stomach and whatever extra food is there remains in the stomach which is the reason for belly fat. Belly fat is the fat surrounding liver and other abdominal regions. This fat causes a number of health issues. This fat gets saturated overtime. WEIGHT REGULATION  Regulating our weight is must. We don’t tend to keep a check on our weight. But we tend to stop eating in order to control our weight. That’s not a healthy way to go about it.  To control our weight we need focus on metabolic activity of...